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Translation is one of the commonly used translations. Some skills accumulated in ordinary work are conducive to improving the level of translation. Today, the Beijing Translation Company has brought us basic translation skills, hoping to help everyone.
Because of the habit of expressing in English, some abstract nouns are often used as the subject, while the Chinese expression habit needs to turn the abstract into concrete. In English, prepositions are often used in order to avoid repetition, but Chinese is not afraid of repetition, and a word can be used several times. When translating plural nouns into Chinese, these, various, and so on are often added, depending on the context.
When two or more of the same predicates are present in English, it is often omitted so that the sentence is less than that. In Chinese, the translation of the prepositional phrase in English is more idiomatic; the translation of the prepositional phrase in English into Chinese is often the subject of the translation of the verb; in some English, the corresponding verb is to be added when translated into Chinese, so that the meaning is more complete and the expression is more clear.
1、 時間狀語常??梢灾苯臃g,一般譯到主句前。
1. The time-like language is often translated directly into the main sentence.
2, some time adverbial clause guides not only express time, but also attach conditionality, so we should translate conditional relation in translation.
1. The position of adverbial in English is more flexible, it can be placed before or after the main sentence, and Chinese expressions often follow the order of "cause and effect", so we should adjust the word order when translating.
2, but the above situation is not absolute, the adverbial of reason can also be put after the subject sentence, which also corresponds to the Chinese structure. Because.
In general, the adverbial is translated before the subject, and the main sentence explaining the situation is followed.
Objective adverbials can also be translated after the main sentence to avoid, prevent, make, fear and so on.
1. The subject of a general passive sentence is an inanimate subject, which is often translated into the subject in Chinese.
2.The position of subject object is reversed
When an action subject is preceded by a by or is composed of a prepositional phrase in general English, the action subject word or the noun in the prepositional phrase after the by in the target text is used as the subject, and the object is the subject in the original text.
3. add subject
Some passive sentences should be translated into active sentences by adding some subjects, such as us, people, everyone and so on.
There are many non-subject sentences in Chinese, which are also related to our thinking mode and speaking habits and so on. In many cases, we don't have to talk to people from the same background, but most of the time they understand what you mean.
Not all passive sentences in English are translated into active sentences in Chinese. When some passive sentences emphasize the passive meaning, then the passive actions will still be translated into the passive sentences.
China International Translation service Co., Ltd.